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The Truth About Breastfeeding

Choosing to breastfeed, formula feed, or both is one of the biggest decisions that expectant parents will make. The truth is it is difficult to prepare for breastfeeding and that it does not always go easily or as planned. Weighing the pros and cons of each method can help you decide what is best for you and your baby.


Why Breastfeed?

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience for both mother and baby. Breast milk provides ideal nutrition and a special bonding experience with your baby. A number of health organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend breastfeeding as the best choice for babies. Breastfeeding helps defend against infections and allergies, and decrease the risk of some other health conditions like obesity, diabetes, and SIDS.

The AAP recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of life. Beyond that, breastfeeding is encouraged until at least 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing.


Other Benefits of Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding challenges

Breastfeeding is not always an easy undertaking. Parents and babies need plenty of patience and practice to get into the routine of nursing.


Many women feel internal and external pressures to breastfeed. The decision is a personal one, and sometimes plans change given someone’s circumstances or difficulties. It is OK to bring these concerns up to your doctor or midwife. We are here to help you troubleshoot any difficulties that may arise, and to help you make the decision that is best for you and your family!

R Ellen Eye, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. R Ellen Eye, MD, FACOG Rita Ellen Eye, MD is a board-certified OB/GYN physician who joined Premier OB-Gyn in 2014. Dr. Eye is originally from Potosi, Missouri, a small town near St. Louis (and she remains a loyal fan of the St. Louis Cardinals!). She graduated from her high school as Valedictorian. She attended Missouri University of Science and Technology, earning her Biological Sciences degree while graduating with Magna Cum Laude honors. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2006. Dr. Eye went on to complete her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology and was honored by being elected Chief Resident at the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa. She began her successful private practice in Texas where she lived and worked for four years before moving to Florida. She is married to husband Chet and a proud mom to a sweet daughter named Faith. Dr. Eye is board certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

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