Discharge: What's normal?

Vaginal discharge is normal!
Every person with a vagina has vaginal discharge. You may be wondering what is normal. Everyone's discharge is different. Some have almost none, while others can have enough to be noticable in their underwear. The amount of discharge can also change during the menstrual cycle.
What is normal and not normal vaginal discharge?
Here are the typical characteristics of normal vaginal discharge:
- It appears clear to white in your underwear; and
- There is no odor, itching, burning, or pain
You should see your doctor about your discharge when:
- It has a foul "fishy" odor
- You experience itching, burning, or pain
- Your discharge is an abnormal color
Tips on how to keep your vaginal discharge normal
- Avoid using anything scented in the vaginal or vulvar area
- Clean with warm water or a very mild soap (unscented only) on the vulva (outside) only
- Warm water is the best cleanser
- Avoid any over-the-counter feminine hygiene products, even ones that are "pH balanced"
- Avoid use of panty-liners or switch to pure organic cotton liners (unbleached, unscented)
- Avoid prolonged wear of athletic wear
- Avoid douching of any kind
- Avoid bubble baths, hot baths, or chemically treated water
- Switch to unscented laundry detergent and avoid use of fabric softener or dryer sheets
- Use non-latex condoms
- Use non-scented personal lubricants
- Urinate within 15 minutes after intercourse
- Make sure to wipe from front to back when using the restroom
- Avoid the use of wipes after using the restroom and use unscented toliet paper
- Clean any sexual toys with unscented soaps and clean between each use
Don't use over-the-counter products for your vaginal discharge
There are many over-the-counter products advertised to help with vaginal odor and discharge. These products are unnecessary and in many cases, can cause irritation and infection. We recommend against the use of ANY over-the-counter cleansing products except for gentle, unscented soaps if absolutely necessary. Warm water is all you need to use in the vast majority of cases.
Take Charge of Your Health
Do you have questions about vaginal health? All of us here at Premier OB-Gyn are happy to answer your questions and make you feel as comfortable as possible. Book your appointment today!
Premier OB-Gyn is accepting new patients in both our Maitland, FL and Oviedo, FL locations. We would be happy to see you! Please call 321-397-1212 or visit www.premierob-gyn.com to book your appointment.
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